OLD HAND - Polyvene

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Pre-race Boost / Pick Me Up

"Old Hand" worked hard and long on the race restoration problem and finally came up with a restorative that gets to the seat of the cause of lost form, or flagging energy - Vitaminic deficiency - and he found that the most effect to be achieved was with Vitamins of the 'B' Complex which utilise the nutrients in diet, the fire fuel of the body, yet - oddly enough - the very Vitamins that couldn't be synthesised in the body. He named his formula Polvene.

Polyvene contains a large store of Vitamin B2. It ousts the danger of polyneuritis, revives the system and restores the sharpness of nervous action quickly. If you have never tried it you are in for a pleasant surprise, both for it's speed of action and it's obvious benefits to a jaded racer. Belgian fanciers use a similar formula in 'Brewer's Yeast' but the handicap of this form of administration lies in the fact that a bird would have to eat two or three crops-full of food to ingest the amount contained in one tablet.

25 tablets